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Our students won the second prize in the 2023 National College Student Robot Science and Technology Innovation Exchange Camp and Robot Competition

来源:     Release time: 2023-12-27 23:00:00      

Recently, the 2023 National College student Robot Science and Technology Innovation Exchange Camp and robot Competition co-sponsored by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology was held in Rizhao City, Shandong Province。After a fierce battle,Guided by He Weihong, a teacher from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of our school, and students Rao Ruifeng, Li Tianle, Zhu Zikun, Li Jiayao and Pan Jingyi participated in the infantry robot project with its unique design, exquisite technology and practical functionsStand out in the fierce competition, won the national second prize!

List of winners

Photo of the winning team

The 2023 National College Student Robot Science and Technology Innovation Exchange Camp and robot Competition actively targets the frontier science and technology field of robot development,Grasp the mainstream trend of robot technology development,To meet the practical needs of the development of the robot industry,Scientifically set up industrial robots, public service robots, special robots, personal and home service robots, and robots in other application fields 5 competitions。In this competition, a total of 108 works from Guangdong universities entered the competition, and finally 30 works were shortlisted for the final final, and won 7 special prizes, 10 first prizes and 13 second prizes。

In recent years, our school attaches great importance to the innovation and entrepreneurship of college students, insists on promoting reform, learning and innovation through competition, and strives to cultivate students' scientific spirit and practical ability. Students have won many excellent achievements in various national college student competitions, and the practical education effect is remarkable。Our school will take this award as an opportunity to steadily promote innovation and entrepreneurship education, take multiple measures to continuously improve the scientific and technological innovation ability of college students, build a platform for young students to participate in innovation and entrepreneurship and technological empowerment of regional economic and social development through multiple channels, and train applied talents for local regional economic and social development。

来源Youth League Committee Editor: School News and Publicity Center

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