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Guangzhou Nanfang University on the fourth quarter of the "open book travel" plan notice

来源:     Release time: 2024-01-25 16:28:00      

Each teaching unit, each office, office, department, center, library, logistics group:

为深入学习贯彻党的二十大精神和习近平总书记关于读书的重要论述,We made solid progress in the work of "three full education",Further promote our students to carry out extensive and in-depth reading activities,Cultivate the university spirit,Deepen the feelings of family and country,Form love reading, reading good books, good reading strong campus cultural atmosphere,根据Ministry of Education等八部门《关于印发<全国青少年学生读书行动实施方案>的通知》精神,Decided to carry out the fourth season of Guangzhou Nanfang University "open book travel" plan。The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

I. Activity theme

It is beneficial to open books and maintain respect

Second, the object of activity

Ordinary undergraduate students in our school。

3. Forms of activities

The Student Development Education Center will coordinate the relevant units around the theme of the event,Organize teachers and students,Through online and offline means to carry out reading essay, reading sharing meeting, reading report meeting, Chinese traditional classics reading, audio reading and other activities,Actively cultivate and practice core socialist values,Carry forward fine traditional Chinese culture,Create a scholarly campus。

4. Activity arrangement

(1) Cultivation of Reading Literacy (January-March 2024)

The student growth tutor will study the spirit of the Party's 20 great through it,Guide students to carry out reading (see Annex 1 for recommended reading list),Stimulate students' interest in reading,Develop a reading habit,Improve reading literacy;Guide students to read life, read ideas, read current affairs, read professional, read society,Understanding cultural charm,Establish the feelings of family and country。

(2) Reading Contest (March-April 2024)

The tutor guides students to adhere to the combination of theory and practice, encourages students to actively participate in essay competition activities around the themes of family learning culture, traditional culture, youth responsibility and responsibility, and the school organizes and carries out excellent essay selection activities (see Annex 2).。

(3) Reading of Traditional Chinese Classics (March-April 2024)

The school and its departments carry out the Chinese Traditional Classics Reading contest, reciting Chinese traditional classics, red classics and contemporary classics, guiding students to love Chinese culture, enhancing historical consciousness and cultural confidence, and fully demonstrating students' reading style and harvest。Each school and department will organize the preliminary competition and recommend excellent teams to participate in the school selection contest and the Chinese traditional Classics reading (final). The specific arrangement will be announced later。

(4) Reading Sharing Session (March-December 2024)

The school and departments regularly hold colorful reading sharing meetings with distinctive themes, carry out teacher-student co-reading and teacher-led reading activities, and invite teachers and students who love reading and love reading to share their reading experience, exchange reading methods, and carry out reading guidance。From the reader, to the reader, guide students to meet friends, learn together, communicate with each other, show results, and continue to improve students' reading interest and reading ability。

(V) Book Report (March-December 2024)

The school invited experts and scholars, role models, and student growth mentors to carry out reading reports, leading teachers and students to focus on thinking, improving cognition, focusing on thinking, improving wisdom, focusing on culture, and improving literacy in the world of reading。

(6) Audiobook Reading (May-December 2024)

The excellent works of reading and classic reading will be set up "audio reading" column through the new media platform to fully display the reading achievements of students and create an online reading brand。

5. Recognition of growth credits

1.After finishing reading one book and writing the reading experience, students should fill in the Registration Form for Student Growth Credits of "Reading and Writing Ability" (Attachment 3). After being approved by the student growth tutor, students can record the growth hours by 2 credit hours per article。

2.Students who participate in the reading contest and classic reading contest can record the growth time by 2 class hours/time;Winners in school-level and departmental competitions will be eligible for 8 and 5 credit hours, respectively。The reading contest is only recorded once for its maximum growth period。

3.Students participate in reading exchange activities such as reading sharing meetings as shareers, and can record their growth hours at 5 hours/time。

4.Students participating in activities related to the "Open Book Walk" program in the fourth quarter as listeners can record the growth time by 1 credit hour/time。

6. Relevant requirements

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership and highlight the effectiveness of education。All relevant units and departments should implement the "open book" plan as the spirit of the Party's 20 National Congress,It is an important measure to promote the education of all employees, the whole process and all aspects,As the implementation of "discipline professional knowledge imparting, core values inheritance, ability and quality cultivation" tridimensional talent training program,The effective starting point to carry out ideological and political work of college students,We will strengthen coordination and interaction,Formulate specific implementation plans,Combined with growth mentoring,Overall planning and coordination,well-organized,We will continue to make education more effective。

(2) Vigorously publicize and mobilize to create a scholarly campus。All relevant units and departments should do a good job of publicity and mobilization through innovative ways and methods of new media platforms,Organize students to actively participate in the "open book travel" plan,Constantly explore and innovate effective ways for the majority of students to read,To advocate students "love reading, reading good books, good reading" as an important content of the construction of school style,Summarize condensed and effective practices and typical experiences in a timely manner,Publicize and promote excellent works,Excavating the educational value of works,Vigorously create a good environment and strong atmosphere to continue to carry out the majority of students' reading action。

Vii. Other matters

1.Application of results。The relevant units and departments of the University have the right to display, compile and promote the works for non-commercial purposes for participating in the series of activities of the "Open Book Tour" in the fourth quarter, and the participating teachers and students have the right to sign。

2.Submission of works。All colleges and departments are requested to summarize the recommended works for related activities and submit them to the email address of the first-year Student Affairs。

   附件:   1.Fourth quarterRecommended reading list for the "Open Book Line" project

2.The fourth quarter "Open book line" project reading essay program

3."Reading and Writing Power" student growth credit registration form

Guangzhou Nanfang University

January 21, 2024

(Contact person: Li Gege, Tel: 61796032)

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