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Our school held the 2024 spring work Conference and qualification assessment promotion meeting of the student system

来源:     Release time: 2024-03-11 23:40:00      

On March 8, our school held the 2024 spring work Conference and conformity Assessment promotion meeting for one day。

Special tutoring

In the first session of the meeting, Associate Professor Cui Hongjun, Vice president of Liaoning Institute of Technology, was specially invited to the school for special guidance on the undergraduate teaching qualification assessment system。

Associate Professor Cui Hongjun pointed out that doing a good job of top-level design, establishing a sense of service, emphasizing excellence, and achieving unity are of great significance to the smooth advancement of the evaluation work。He stressed that all teachers and students should attach great importance to, actively participate in, unite and cooperate, and make joint efforts。Associate Professor Cui Hongjun made a detailed introduction from five aspects, such as the basic connotation and construction ideas of the observation point, the preparation of the supporting materials of the observation point, the writing principles of the self-evaluation report, the preparation of the experts before entering the school, the forms and contents of the experts' visit to the school。At the meeting, the person in charge of each unit of the school system consulted on the confusion encountered in the process of inspection, and Associate Professor Cui Hongjun gave professional answers one by one。

Associate Professor Cui Hongjun

Feature introduction

In the second session of the conference, Professor Chen Tianxiang, Dean of the School of Public Administration, and Mr. Wang Yuping, Assistant dean of the School of Chinese Medicine and Health, introduced the characteristics of students' work and shared their education experience。

Dean Chen Tianxiang said that the School of Public Administration has always attached importance to the cultivation of students' comprehensive ability and the promotion of public care awareness。The needs of students' ability depend on the comprehensive training of theoretical teaching and practical teaching, classroom and extracurricular equal attention, and the joint training of schools and industries. Therefore, the College actively explores the new process of "learning and using as one" education and builds a new mechanism of "school-government and enterprise-enterprise collaboration" education to help students grow and become talents。

Dean Chen Tianxiang

Assistant President Wang Yuping introduced the education model of the college from four aspects: political construction, innovation training, professional practice and daily work。The Health College of Traditional Chinese Medicine always regards moral cultivation as the central link of education,Actively carry out a series of ideological and political education activities to strengthen students' ideological guidance,At the same time pay attention to students' innovation ability and practical ability training,Guide students to study professional knowledge, improve professional skills and enhance professional identity,Continue to deepen the effectiveness of education。

Assistant Dean Wang Yuping

Group discussion

In the third session of the conference, the Admission and Employment Office, the Youth League Committee, the Psychological center, and the Student Affairs Office convened the departments in groups to discuss the four themes of employment, league studies, mental health, and student affairs。

Cheng Aimin, Secretary of the General Party Branch and Deputy Dean of the School of Foreign Languages, Li Shuna, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the Department of Art Design and Creative Industry, Yuan Yue, Deputy Secretary of the General Party Branch and Director of the Student Affairs Office of the School of Literature and Media, and Zhang Yan, counselor of the School of Business, shared the discussion results on behalf of employment, League Studies, Psychological health, Student affairs and other groups。How to improve students' enthusiasm and initiative in employment;How to promote the all-round development of students, strengthen the construction of study style, enhance the campus cultural atmosphere, and enhance the professionalism of volunteer service;How to strictly observe the work norms of psychological crisis management;How to make student affairs standardized, standardized, branded, characteristic and so on put forward constructive suggestions。

Conference site

Review and prospect

In the fourth session of the meeting, the deputy secretary of the General Party branch of each department and the director of the Student Affairs Office reported on the summary of student work in 2023 and the ideas of student work in 2024。Each department closely combined with the actual work, the department's characteristic work, outstanding achievements, and future planning made a detailed report, fully demonstrating the courage, perseverance and determination of everyone rooted in the line of study and work。In the next work, each department will continue to adhere to the fundamental task of cultivating virtues and talents, take student growth as the center, continue to carry out a variety of education activities, and deepen the effectiveness of education。In the next stage, the student and worker team will further promote the comprehensive improvement of theoretical cultivation, humanistic character and business skills, enhance the pertinence, initiative, science and creativity of student work, do practical work, often new education, and make unremitting efforts to cultivate new people who can be worthy of the great responsibility of national rejuvenation。

Work summary

Work arrangement

In the fifth session of the meeting, the Student Affairs Office, the Youth League Committee, and the Enrollment and Employment Office arranged the work for the new semester。

Huang Hao, executive deputy director of the Student Affairs Office and deputy director of the Student Growth Center, arranged the key work such as ideological and political work, student community construction, funding and education work, student development support, undergraduate qualification assessment and student staff construction in this semester,Encourage the team of students and workers to play chess up and down and put all the work in place with one heart,Provide support for student development with high quality academic staff,Meet the eligibility assessment with a hot report card。

Executive deputy Director Huang Hao

Chen Sisi, secretary of the Youth League Committee, proposed work deployment from four aspects: First, focus on improving the effectiveness of ideological and political guidance,Expansion of youth and youth thematic education outcomes;Second, we will grasp the important milestones of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China,We will carry out various forms of patriotic education activities,Continue to deepen reform;Third, the carrier of innovative knowledge,Create more high-quality online cultural products and activities;Fourth, expand the connotation of volunteer service,Enrich the system of social practice and education,Further closely follow the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee's "hundred million project" deployment requirements,Promote the work of the school Communist Youth League to a new level。

Secretary Chen Sisi

Liu Longying, director of the Enrollment and Employment Office, arranged the recruitment publicity work for the new semester and how to actively implement the documents issued by the Ministry of Education on employment goals, saying that he would adhere to the goal orientation, work hard against the plans and goals issued by the Ministry of Education, and actively complete the indicators。

Director Liu Longying

Concluding remarks

School Party committee deputy secretary, vice president Zhixiucong made a summary。Zhi Xiucong, deputy secretary, said that the school will carefully study the valuable experience of Liaoning Institute of Technology undergraduate teaching assessment, at the same time against the evaluation standards, carefully examine the shortcomings of the school, in-depth analysis of the reasons, and effectively promote the implementation of each work。

Deputy Secretary Shih Xiucong

Deputy Secretary Shih Xiucong concluded with three key words。One is blessing.,The conference coincides with International Women's Day,I wish every woman here a happy holiday;Second, thank you.,Thanks to every student for their hard work,The 2023 staff has made numerous and outstanding contributions to the school,The conscientious work of the team members has made our school obtain exciting results;Third, make progress,Our university will soon meet the undergraduate teaching work qualification assessment in 2025,At this critical juncture,Every teacher present here needs to be deeply involved with a high sense of responsibility and mission。Deputy Secretary Zhi Xiucong pointed out that the vigorous development of the school is closely related to everyone's efforts, and he hoped that the students and staff will continue to maintain their struggle and promote Guangzhou Southern College to make more outstanding achievements。

In 2024, the learning and engineering system will keep in mind the original mission, work hard and forge ahead, and strive to run the baton of history。All students and workers are shouldering heavy responsibilities and have a lot to do. They should consciously be tireless strivers who have the courage to take on responsibilities, and strive for reform and innovation, and constantly open up new situations in facing problems and solving problems。

School Party committee deputy secretary, vice president plant Xiucong,Jiang Wei, assistant to the principal,Chen Tianxiang, Dean of the School of Public Administration,School of Foreign Languages Party Branch secretary, vice president Cheng Aimin,Wang Yuping, assistant dean of the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Responsible person of Quality Management and Evaluation Office, Student Affairs Office, Youth League Committee, Enrollment and Employment Office, etc,Deputy Secretary of the General Party Branch of each department and director of the Student Affairs Office,As well as all student cadres, counselors attended the meeting。

来源Students' Affairs office(文稿Zhang dissolve Wu Jia Dian 摄影Peng Jingjia Xu Yinqi Ji Zi En Zhang Zhirong Chen Xiaowei) Editor: School News and Publicity Center

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